Every research report/ thesis/research article begins with an introduction to the topic of research. This forms the literature review for the article. The main purpose of the review is to introduce the readers to the need for conducting the said research · Text of Review. The body of your review varies according to the type of article and your instructor's requirements. You may have to include the intended audience, the research question, methodology, results, implications and your own assessment of how it relates to what you are studying · Choose keywords carefully, choose a good database such as Web of Science, choose the time-frame that your review will cover, and read everything that is
How to Write an Article Review (with Sample Reviews) - wikiHow
Writing an article review entails assessing and summarizing an article by somebody else. But, what is an article review?
Knowing how to review an article is very important because:. Writing an article review is a process with several steps. Mastering these steps means you can review article by any writer and in any field. Here are the major steps to follow when writing a review article:. Start by preparing to write the review. Preparation should entail organizing your workplace and making sure that you have all the resources required to review an article.
This may include getting an article review sample or an article review template. Such materials can help you when it comes to organizing thoughts and getting ready for the task ahead. Once you have materials like a sample and a template, start learning how to write an article review. This entails understanding what you are required to do when completing this task. You can find many resources online with information on how to write a review article. Take your time to learn more about the article review format and the writing process.
Essentially, this task requires you to summarize the main arguments, ideas, how to write research article review, findings, and positions of the article. For instance, when learning how to review a research article, you will realize that you should not include new research.
You just need how to write research article review summarize and evaluate the article. Therefore, start by reading the article carefully. This will enable you to know whether you need to write a science article review, a journal article review, or a law review article.
Additionally, come up with an evaluation outline. This will enable you to highlight the major points and other issues that should be featured in your review. You need to organize your review properly to make it easier for your audience to read. How you organize your review may depend on the instructions provided by the educator or professor.
For instance, you may be required to write an APA article review. In that case, find out what the requirements of this writing style are. Nevertheless, an ideal way to organize this write-up is to summarize the main claims, points, and information of an article and then discuss all positive aspects.
Positive aspects can include the good insights, observations, and points of the author. Once you have done that, identify contradictions, how to write research article review, gaps, and inconsistencies in the work. Additionally, say whether the author has enough data or research to support their claims. Focus on finding unanswered questions in the work under review. This should appear in the first paragraph. As such, you need to know how to start an article review.
This is the section where you summarize the main arguments, findings, and points of the article using your words. How to write research article review, you need to include several paragraphs and cite specific examples, background information, or statistics. Every paragraph should include or expound on the main point.
You can include how to write research article review quotes from the article author. For purposes of accuracy, read the summary a couple of time and correct mistakes. You need to know how to write a critical review of a journal article to excel in this section. Here, tell your audience how well the article author has addressed their topic.
Also, include your opinion about how useful or thorough the subject explanation is. Show the importance and contributions of the article under review in the field. Discuss the central points and arguments of the article. Additionally, explain whether the points used by the author supported their argument.
Show whether the author exhibited any biases. Additionally, how to write research article review, tell your readers whether you concur with the article author. Writing a critical review of journal article requires some research or knowledge of the industry. As such, take your time to read the article and compare it with the existing literature.
You can even quote other experts in the industry to enhance the credibility of your critique. The conclusion of your review can be one or a few paragraphs depending on the size or length of the reviewed work. However, it should include a summary of the main points. Also, tell readers about the accuracy, significance, and clarity of the article that how to write research article review have reviewed. You can also say something about further research on the topic. Therefore, be as brief as possible when writing this section.
You may have written an exemplary review but few grammatical errors can ruin your grade. Therefore, reread the review carefully checking for grammatical errors and mechanics. Correct any mistake in your review and remove unnecessary information. Writing a review should be easy if you follow these steps. Additionally, get a good example of an article review to guide you.
You can get one from your faculty or our academic writers. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.
Skip to content. Knowing how to review an article is very important because: It enables a person to spot and correct vague terms in an article. It enables a person to clarify questions It enables a person to see the perspectives and views of other people without how to write research article review biases It enables an individual to improve their grammar and conscious writing skills It encourages a person to perform better in the next article because the review provides valuable criticism or suggestions.
How to Write an Article Review in 9 Steps Writing an article review is a process with several steps. Here are the major steps to follow when writing a review article: Start your article review from preparation Start by preparing to write the review.
Learn how to write a review of an article Once you have materials like a sample and a template, start learning how to write an article review. Research article review organization You need to organize your review properly to make it easier for your audience to read. Identify the article — You can compose article identification by stating the article title, how to write research article review, author, journal, and publication year.
Summarize the article This is the section where you summarize the main arguments, findings, how to write research article review, and points of the article using your words. Write a critique You need to know how to write a critical review of a journal article to excel in this section. Conclude your review The conclusion of your review can be one or a few paragraphs depending on the size or length of the reviewed work.
Proofread your review You may have written an exemplary review but few grammatical errors how to write research article review ruin your grade. Previous: Research Sources: Academic Writing Guidelines. Next: What You Should Not Do in a College Essay.
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How to Review a Research Paper
, time: 7:18How to Write an Article Review Step-by-Step

Part 4: Steps in writing an article review In order to write your article review you should consider the following steps: a) first read the article quickly to develop a general idea of the article. Concentrate on the introduction and conclusion as well as the headings and the Get the journal’s submission rules for review articles Whether submitting a review by invitation or by your own accord, once you have these rules (word limit, formatting guidelines, etc.) you have some criteria to shape the document. Get and use a reference management program (e.g., Writing a literature review for a research paper requires you to search for literature. It should be relevant to your research problem and questions. Similarly, use the keywords to search for different sources. To find the relevant journals and articles, look for the following useful academic databases
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