essay meaning, definition, what is essay: a short piece of writing about a particu: Learn more How to quote from a novel in an essay benefits of education essay in hindi essay on learning outside the classroom essay on effect of gst on indian economy english Essayed definition essays and bibliographies must be double spaced sample essay on nutrition, the difference between a narrative and a descriptive essay. Research paper on polycystic kidney disease essay on global warming for class Past tense for to energetically devote, or begin devoting, effort to something Past tense for struggle physically or mentally with something (look to or look at) Past tense for to hope for, or aspire to, a
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See how your sentence looks with different synonyms. verb try, attempt. other words for essayed MOST RELEVANT. aim assay endeavor labor offer seek strive struggle test toil travail undertake essayed definition work have a crack have a go have a shot have at it make a run at put to the test take a stab at take a whack at take on try out.
Meet Grammar Coach Improve Your Writing. antonyms of essayed MOST RELEVANT. forget idle laze neglect relax rest be idle pass. Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © by the Philip Lief Group. USE essayed IN A SENTENCE See how your sentence looks with different synonyms. TRY NOW. QUIZZES Quiz Yourself On The Oxford Comma!
START THE QUIZ. EXAMPLE SENTENCES FROM THE WEB Lily Pendleton was known essayed definition have once essayed an erotic novel, essayed definition, and had read a few chapters to some of her closer friends. THE GIRLS OF CENTRAL HIGH Essayed definition THE STAGE GERTRUDE W. Every time the Confederates essayed to charge they were met with such a storm of shot and shell that they went reeling back.
THE COURIER OF THE OZARKS BYRON A. The bishop emitted lamentable cries and essayed to resist the men who were dragging him into the donjon. THE PILGRIM'S SHELL OR FERGAN THE QUARRYMAN EUGNE SUE. She essayed to sew, and stitched up a seam wrong side out, and ran the point of the needle under her finger nail.
ALONE MARION HARLAND. The rock here being of various degrees of density, the waters had essayed a thousand channels. OVERLAND JOHN WILLIAM DE FOREST. Then he essayed to call the right hand into play, essayed definition, but appeared to find a difficulty in doing so, essayed definition. THE YOUNG RANCHERS EDWARD S. Essayed definition greatest of these is "The Second Mrs.
Tanqueray," interpreted for us by the greatest actress who ever essayed the part. THE ONLOOKER, VOLUME 1, PART 2 VARIOUS, essayed definition. His wife had naturally a essayed definition one, essayed definition she essayed to follow him in the matter of voice, as in all other things. THE BUTTERFLY HOUSE MARY E. WILKINS FREEMAN.
Ruminating thus, he essayed another door, which admitted him to a bedroom, where lay another harmonious slumberer. PEVERIL OF THE PEAK SIR WALTER SCOTT. If they essayed an entrance into the charmed circle, they failed. Essayed definition YEARS IN REBEL CAPITALS T. SYNONYM OF THE DAY APRIL 23, Choose the synonym for poet, essayed definition.
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blogger.com analytic or interpretive literary composition 2.a tentative attempt Familiarity information: ESSAYused as a noun is rare essay. es‧say1 /ˈeseɪ/ S3 noun [ countable] 1. SE. a short piece of writing about a particular subject by a student as part of a course of study essay on/about an essay on Bernard Shaw 2. AL · essay (plural essays) (authorship) A written composition of moderate length, exploring a particular issue or subject. quotations. January 1, Katie L. Burke, “Ecological Dependency”, in American Scientist [1], volume , number 1, page In his first book since the essay collection Natural Acts: A Sidelong View of Science and Nature, David Quammen looks at the natural world from
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